Marty Britton, is the President & CEO of Britton Management Profile Inc, the first ever reference checking company in Canada. Incorporated in 1974, Britton Management Profiles recently celebrated their 40th year in business. The company has a strong global presence and can conduct checks in a variety of countries.
The company has been under the direction of Marty for the last 22 years. When she first joined the company, the only service provided was reference checking. She strongly believes that keeping current and providing intensive training to all the associates who handle background checks is what has kept Britton Management Profiles in the forefront of the industry. Providing “world class” customer service is also very important to her.
Marty has added a wide range of pre-employment screening services to their list of products, from education, criminal and credit checks, employment verifications, exit interviews and the most recent being social media checks.
Britton Management Profiles is a member of the National Association of Professional Background Screeners (NAPBS) and Marty sits on the board for the Canadian Chapter of NAPBS. The company is also certified members of We Connect Canada and United Success. Marty is also a proud member of Women’s President Organization, a peer-to-peer advisory committee that makes her accountable. She also volunteers her time with Company of Women in a Directorship role, an organization that promotes, connects and supports women in business.
Finally Marty is a recipient of the 2014 Enterprising Women of the Year award.